Residents will get annual bulky item pickup under new ordinance
Last updated December 21, 2021 (Originally posted December 20, 2021)
Overland Park residents now have an opportunity to receive bulky item service once a year under an updated ordinance governing trash collection. The new ordinance, approved by the City Council at tonight’s meeting, will require that trash haulers provide a curbside bulky item pickup service for Overland Park residents at least once a year. Previously, the City contracted with trash haulers to provide Bulky Item Pickup service to half the city every other year on a limited number of weekends. It is no longer feasible for trash haulers to provide citywide Bulky Item Pickup operations on this timeframe because of increasing costs, fleet limitations and reduction in workforce. The new requirement will allow haulers to provide this service directly with their customers for large item removal, throughout the year. Residents will schedule pickup dates and finalize details of the pickup with their trash hauler. The new ordinance goes into effect in 2022. Learn more about the change on the bulky item pickup page. Keep an eye out for additional opportunities to dispose of unneeded items, including the City’s Recycling Extravaganzas, neighborhood recycling events and more.